Bakery Rönnau
Project description
At Rönnau Bakery, breads and rolls are baked according to a simple recipe in the fourth generation: handcrafted from flour, water and salt. Traditional bakery craft with pure taste and a pinch of attitude to life.
The Rönnau bakery is not only unmistakable by its breads and rolls, but also by its modern and unique external appearance. Accompanied and implemented by nordische.
Because also with us all products are manufactured and assembled according to the rules of the trade.
That is why we accompany the Rönnau Bakery in the expansion and revitalization of the existing locations.
In Kiel Wellsee with a mix of shiny gold leafed single letters made of copper sheet and powder coated single letters made of aluminium. With indirect, warm-white LED illumination and V2A spacers mounted on the clinker facade.
Not only our customer and we, but also architects were enthusiastic about the project result.
This way to the bakery Rönnau.